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Nature Strong

Waist Line - Nature Strong

Regular price $59.90 AUD
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Waist Line has been engineered to help reduce your waist line by optimising digestion and reducing bloating. It contains nutrients that aid in the digestion, absorption and partitioning of not only fat, protein and carbohydrates but also the micronutrients in our food. It supports our immune system by increasing stomach acid, which acts as our first line of defence against foreign intruders. It is also needed to breakdown protein into amino acids and to assimilate zinc, iron, vitamin b12 and other crucial nutrients.

Waist line supports our gut health, liver and bile production. Bile is responsible for healing the liver, digesting fats and being part of our detoxification process by carrying toxins out of our body.

This product provides the nutraceuticals that may help to:

  • Increase stomach acid
  • Reduce intestinal permeability
  • Create a healthy microbiome
  • Heal the gut lining
  • Increase bile production
  • Assist in the breakdown and absorption of protein
  • Assist in the breakdown and absorption of fat
  • Assist in the breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates
  • Support immune function
  • Assist in detoxification

Is This Product For Me

Symptom list

Waist Line may help regulate your gut health, digestion and immune system by optimising all its pathways, enzymes and chemical reactions involved. The following list is a symptom picture which potentially can help diagnose imbalances or dysfunction within this metabolism.

  • Upper abdominal bloating
  • Burping
  • Lower abdominal bloating
  • Farting
  • Digestive discomfort
  • IBS
  • Feeling lethargic
  • Loose stools
  • Malabsorption of nutrients
  • Low iron
  • Acid reflux
  • Heartburn
  • Weak nails
  • Brittle hair

What Can I Expect

Waist Line may

  • Improve energy
  • Improve digestion
  • Reduce bloating
  • Increase appetite
  • Improve metabolism
  • Increase fat loss
  • Improve recovery
  • Improve skin health
  • Improve nails & hair
  • Improve mood


Dosage per serving

Betaine hydrochloride 600 mg

Peppermint leaf extract 200 mg

Ox bile 200 mg

Artichoke extract 200 mg

Dandelion root extract 200 mg

Glycine 200 mg

Rosemary extract 100 mg

Aloe vera extract 75 mg

Trypsin 45 mg

Gentian root extract 25 mg

Zinc glycinate 5 mg

Papain 75,000 PU

Protease 50,000 HUT

Lipase 30,000 LipU

Lactase 4,000 ALU

Shipping & Returns


Packing size approx. 6*6*11 (l*w*h) cm

Care Instructions

Store in a cool dark place.

Keep out of reach of children.

Consult your dietitian or health practitioner before use.

Digestive System

It is extremely important to maintain a healthy digestive system as more than 70% of our immune system is located in our gut. Not only that but our gut is almost exclusively responsible to collect all the required nutrients to power all of our other internal systems and each cell of our body. That is a huge responsibility!

Our digestive system is not limited to just our stomach, it includes many other components such as the liver, pancreas, mouth, small intestines, gallbladder..

It is important that we support the health and functionality of all of these systems to improve our overall gut health!

  • Betaine Hydrochloride

    Betaine hydrochloride, often simply referred to as betaine, is a compound that is naturally found in certain foods like beets. It is also available in supplement form. Some people use betaine hydrochloride supplements as a digestive aid, particularly to support stomach acid production. Here are some potential benefits associated with betaine hydrochloride for the digestive system:

    1. Stomach Acid Production: Betaine hydrochloride is believed to support the production of gastric acid in the stomach. Adequate stomach acid is essential for the proper digestion of food, as it helps break down proteins and facilitates the absorption of nutrients.
    2. Digestive Enzyme Activation: Proper stomach acid levels are crucial for activating digestive enzymes. These enzymes play a key role in breaking down macronutrients like proteins, fats, and carbohydrates into smaller, more absorbable components.
    3. Nutrient Absorption: By promoting optimal stomach acid levels, betaine hydrochloride may enhance the absorption of various nutrients, including minerals and vitamins. This can contribute to overall nutritional status.
    4. Support for Digestive Disorders: Some individuals with certain digestive disorders, such as hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid) or achlorhydria (absence of stomach acid), may find betaine hydrochloride supplements beneficial. These conditions can lead to difficulties in digesting food properly.
    5. Heartburn and Acid Reflux: Contrary to what one might expect, betaine hydrochloride is sometimes used to alleviate symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux. In some cases, these symptoms can be associated with insufficient rather than excess stomach acid.
    6. Overall Digestive Health: Optimal stomach acid levels are crucial for maintaining a healthy digestive environment. Betaine hydrochloride may contribute to the balance of digestive processes, supporting overall digestive health.
  • Peppermint Leaf Extract

    Peppermint leaf extract is known for its potential benefits for the digestive system and gut health. Here are some of the key advantages:

    1. Relief from Indigestion: Peppermint has been traditionally used to alleviate symptoms of indigestion. It may help relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, allowing for smoother digestion and reducing discomfort.
    2. Reduction of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Symptoms: Studies suggest that peppermint oil, derived from the peppermint plant, may be effective in reducing symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), including abdominal pain, bloating, and gas. Peppermint oil has muscle-relaxing properties that can ease spasms in the gut.
    3. Anti-Nausea Effects: Peppermint has been used to alleviate nausea and vomiting. The scent of peppermint and its active compounds may have a calming effect on the stomach, potentially reducing feelings of nausea.
    4. Enhanced Gallbladder Function: Peppermint may stimulate the flow of bile, which is important for the digestion of fats. Improved gallbladder function can contribute to overall digestive health.
    5. Antimicrobial Properties: Peppermint has antimicrobial properties, which means it may help combat harmful bacteria in the digestive system. This can contribute to a healthier balance of gut microflora.
    6. Reduced Symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): Some studies suggest that peppermint oil may help alleviate symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) by reducing the relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter, which can contribute to acid reflux.
    7. Anti-inflammatory Effects: Peppermint possesses anti-inflammatory properties that may help soothe inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with inflammatory conditions of the digestive system.
    8. Antioxidant Benefits: Peppermint contains antioxidants that can help neutralize free radicals in the body. Antioxidants play a role in overall health, including supporting the health of the digestive system.
    9. Improved Bowel Function: Peppermint may help regulate bowel movements and relieve symptoms of constipation. Its muscle-relaxing properties can contribute to more regular and comfortable bowel function.
  • Ox Bile

    Ox bile supplements are derived from the bile of cattle and contain various bile acids. Bile is produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder, and it plays a crucial role in the digestion and absorption of fats. Here are some potential benefits of ox bile for the digestive system and gut health:

    1. Fat Digestion: Bile is essential for the digestion and absorption of dietary fats. It emulsifies fats, breaking them down into smaller particles that can be more easily digested by enzymes. Ox bile supplements can be particularly beneficial for individuals who have difficulty producing sufficient bile, such as those who have had their gallbladders removed.
    2. Nutrient Absorption: Bile acids aid in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) and other fat-soluble nutrients. Supplementing with ox bile may improve the absorption of these essential nutrients, supporting overall nutritional status.
    3. Prevention of Fat Malabsorption: Conditions that affect the production or flow of bile, such as gallbladder removal or certain liver diseases, can lead to fat malabsorption. Ox bile supplements may help prevent this malabsorption by providing the necessary bile acids for effective fat digestion.
    4. Support for Pancreatic Insufficiency: Some individuals with pancreatic insufficiency, a condition in which the pancreas doesn't produce enough digestive enzymes, may benefit from ox bile supplementation. Bile acids can complement pancreatic enzymes in breaking down fats.
    5. Reduced Symptoms of Bile Insufficiency: Individuals with bile insufficiency may experience symptoms such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea, especially after consuming fatty meals. Ox bile supplements can help alleviate these symptoms by supporting the digestion of fats.
    6. Gallbladder Support: People who have had their gallbladders removed may experience challenges in regulating the release of bile into the digestive tract. Ox bile supplements can provide a source of bile acids, aiding in the digestion of fats and reducing the likelihood of digestive discomfort.
    7. Balanced Gut Microbiota: Bile acids have been shown to influence the composition of gut microbiota. By supporting proper bile function, ox bile supplements may contribute to a balanced and healthy gut microbiome.
  • Aloe Vera Extract

    Aloe vera is a plant that has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. The gel extracted from the leaves of the aloe vera plant contains various bioactive compounds with potential health benefits. Here are some of the benefits of aloe vera extract for the digestive system and gut health:

    1. Soothing Irritation: Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties that may help soothe irritation and inflammation in the digestive tract. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD).
    2. Aid in Digestion: Aloe vera may support digestion by promoting the proper breakdown of food and absorption of nutrients. It contains enzymes, such as amylase and lipase, which can aid in the digestion of carbohydrates and fats.
    3. Relief from Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): Some studies suggest that aloe vera may help reduce symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) by soothing the lining of the esophagus. It may provide relief from heartburn and discomfort associated with acid reflux.
    4. Constipation Relief: Aloe vera latex, a yellowish substance derived from the inner leaf skin, contains compounds called anthraquinones with laxative effects. This can help alleviate occasional constipation, but it's important to use laxative components cautiously and under the guidance of a healthcare professional.
    5. Balancing Gut Microbiota: Aloe vera may have prebiotic effects, promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. A healthy balance of gut microbiota is crucial for overall digestive health and immune function.
    6. Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Fungal Properties: Aloe vera has been shown to have antimicrobial properties, which may help control the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi in the digestive system. This can contribute to a healthier gut environment.
    7. Immune System Support: The polysaccharides found in aloe vera may have immune-modulating effects. Supporting the immune system can indirectly benefit the digestive system by maintaining overall health and resilience.
    8. Ulcer Healing: Aloe vera has been studied for its potential in promoting the healing of ulcers in the stomach and intestines. Its anti-inflammatory and tissue-repairing properties may contribute to this healing process.