Collection: Women's Health

Women's health is more than just physical appearance.

It is about feeling good and glowing in your own skin. It is about a healthy hormonal balance while we go through our monthly rollercoaster. It is about managing stress and feeling energetic. It is about feeling confident and sexy.

It is about much more than just eating a healthy diet and tracking calories. Our bodies are an extremely complex mechanism made up by many different hormones, enzymes and chemical reactions which will determine how good we feel and look. It needs to be more about how to optimise these systems internally so they work in our advantage instead of creating havoc.

As women it is important to support that what makes us feminine. Our hormones go on a rollercoaster every month and learning to use this as an asset instead of a liability is key for our health and happiness.

Female balance helps with just that. Regulating and balancing oestrogen and ensuring that oestrogen is detoxified correctly. Waistline aids in not only reducing your waist and creating that hour glass figure but also ensures the absorption of all nutrients so that systems such thyroid, oestrogen and cortisol have the building blocks necessary.

Lullaby is not only a sleep agent but it is a calming product which helps us relax and return into a parasympathetic nervous system so our body can heal and recover.

Women's Health


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Importance of Cholesterol

Oestrone and oestradiol (forms of oestrogen) are a byproduct of many chemical reactions that originated from LDL-c (form of cholesterol). Even though LDL has been labelled bad cholesterol by our medical institution, it is NOT bad for you.

Can high cholesterol levels potentially be dangerous? Yes when there is inflammation, oxidative stress and a diet rich in sugars, vegetable oils and other chemical environmental toxins present. Under these conditions cholesterol can oxidise into the harmful ox-LDL and triglycerides can be elevated.

However in a healthy individual both HDL and LDL are of crucial importance. We believe that this incorrect info about cholesterol has led to suboptimal cholesterol levels and caused issues within our hormone management and production.

Almost any women in todays society has at one point or is currently taking birth control medication. In almost any case this a hormonal version. We are often not confronted with the side effects and dangers that this hormonal medication brings along.

This medication wreaks havoc on the feminine hormonal system and disrupts its natural mechanism entirely.

Birth control will also cause nutrient deficiencies and problems absorbing nutrients. It will dysregulate your HPA axis which in turn will cause problems within our sleep, cortisol and thyroid metabolism. It increases the risk for both cardiovascular disease and cancer as the toxic pathways of oestrogen are upregulated.

This in combination with environmental toxins being all around us have made it more important than ever to ensure we support these systems.

Different Oestrogen Pathways

While the first pillar of oestrogen focuses on the production of oestrogen and ensuring the female body has enough of this important hormone, the second pillar focuses on the management of oestrogen.

Once our body has produced oestrogen there are different pathways oestrogen can go down next. Many of these chemical pathways are very harmful and create oxidative stress, DNA damage, free radicals and stress while they are also carcinogenic.

Oestrogen can go down the protective and healthy pathways 2meOH and 4meOH however we find that in todays society these pathways are reduced significantly.

The other harmful pathways 4OH and 16OH are becoming more and more dominant.

This imbalances ratio between the protective pathways and the harmful pathways is causing many health issues within our female population. Never have we seen such occurence of breast cancer or other variants of cancer.

We are told that breast cancer is largely dependant on genetics however this could not be further from the truth. Yes in some rare cases it is a genetic defect that has increased the risk to develop cancer however the development of cancer is entirely reliant on your environmental factors and those can be almost entirely controlled by the individual.

Better education and awareness could prevent most cases of breast cancer or other forms of cancer.

That is why our product focus on prevention and tackling the problems at the root.


The third pillar of women's health is reducing and optimising our stress metabolism (cortisol). As our body undergoes stress (physical, emotional, environmental...) it will produce cortisol as a result to manage the stressors. When we are stressed often we can have chronically elevated cortisol. This will cause our body to continuously be in a fight-flight mode (sympathetic nervous system). When we spend a lot of time in this nervous system our body can not heal properly. It will affect our health, sleep and digestion and can also cause depression, hormonal imbalances and illness.

Lullaby supplies our body with nutrients that help us shift from a sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system as well as regulate and optimise sleep.


Optimising digestion is not only important for our health but also can be important for our confidence. A slim waistline will boost the confidence of any women.

Digestion is hugely affected by stress and environmental toxins and almost 85% of our population is experiencing digestive issues on almost a daily basis. The effects of digestive issues on our health and the stress is places on our health care system are almost impossible to measure.

Poor digestion will mean the inability to absorb nutrients from foods (both maco's and micro's). This will immediately affect every internal system we have as these will be deprived from the nutrients they need to function optimally.

Our product WaistLine will not only heal your gut but also help your body absorb the nutrients in the foods you consume.